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An Invitation to Arrive, Receive, and Thrive

Do you ever get the feeling that there is an unsung song inside of you?

A calling and a soul potential that is uniquely yours's to be fully expressed?

If so, then you are an ever-awakening multidimensional person who probably not only senses that the world is at a turning point, but that there is a profound and meaningful role for you to play in shaping our collective future—and you are right!

However, like many ever-awakening people, you may also feel overwhelmed by this calling and uncertain about the steps you need to take to realize your full potential so you can play that vital role.

I also suspect that you’re experiencing a confusing and frustrating gap between the rich possibilities you sense for your life and what you have thus far been able to manifest in your outer reality.

Join Keidi Johana in a

journey of preparing for the new future

of working and living.

I am a Master NLP Trainer of NeuroLinguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy & Hypnotherapy.

Having completed various degrees of Spiritual trainings & initiations, I am also a Spirit centered mentor who has helped hundreds of people get clarity in their life direction. We will align your personal values to have the best emotional programming to empower you with movement forward. 

If you consider yourself a sensitive and hyper-aware soul, you are here to make a radically loving impact and live a life that fully empowers you and the people around you.

WELCOME to the HIGHER ADVISORY, where you meet your higher version of you and help others become the same.


The purpose of the program is to empower new leaders.

The Higher Advisory Program is designed for unique people like you who are looking for advanced training, wisdom and to be a part of an evolved ambitious tribe.

There have been many times life has become dull and routine, each day starting and ending with the same sensations of frustration or emptiness.

It’s in those moments you stare at yourself in the mirror wondering what is that voice that still yearns for answers, wondering what is the soul searching for.

We know the strength and commitment it takes to create a new paradigm and we know how to help you.

We built this community of highly aware humans helping each other see their full potential, empower and support each other in excelling in all areas of their lives.

At an appropriate time, the Higher Advisory Program will be open to various people that can honor the foundation that we have built. The people who are ready to find the answers are the evolved souls like yourself.

You are personally invited to participate in advancing the foundation of the Higher Advisory Program.

What is a Higher Advisor?

A Higher Advisor is empowered within themselves and can be a great source of wisdom and guidance for others.

Whether you become a Higher Advisor in a professional setting or within your personal communities, through this program you will master techniques and strategies for optimal creative flow and fulfillment.

What will be delivered?

  • 11 bi-weekly virtual training calls to support your growth and answer your life questions.

  • One monthly individual 30 minutes coaching session with Keidi.

  • A virtual library of self-oriented education through a digital platform, to which you will have a life-time access.

  • A personal workbook to keep your mind focused on growth & individual goals.

  • Community interaction space to receive guidance and inspiration.


    Our official start date is October 11, 2022.

    In the meantime, Keidi will offer booster sessions:

    Initial Booster Dates

    September 19, [ 8 pm CET ] 

    Welcome & Initiation to the Angelic Order 

    Entering the Gates of Paradise

    The Kiss of the Divine 

    Sitting at the Royal Court of God

    September 29: Angelic Purification One [ 8 pm CET ] 

    Official START and Program Dates

    October 11: Initiation & Ceremony 1 

    October 25: Training & Amplification

    November 3: Human Design & Gene Keys

    November 8: Initiation & Ceremony 2 

    November 22: Training & Amplification 

    December 6: Initiation & Ceremony 3

    December 20: Training & Amplification 

    Completion Boosters 

    January 3: Full Activation of Divine Blueprint

    January 17: The 3 Wands of Power 


5 Months of Personal Elevation.


    1. Monthly individual coaching sessions.

  • Direct support from Keidi via individual 30 minute monthly coaching calls. 

    (valued at $120)

  • 2. 11 regular one hour power-up sessions / group discussions

  • Group discussions will include training, meditation, quantum transformational tools and human design intelligence. (valued at $3,000)

  • 3. Access to a virtual library of abundance of techniques and strategies for navigating life and creating the best possible outcomes. (valued at $2,000)
  • 4. Workbook - with writing prompts for self mastery and feedback. (valued at $100).

    5. Regular support and additional training material in a private group communication portal via Telegram platform. 

    (valued at $1,000)

  • Energetic transmissions for activating the flow of miracles. 

  • Frequent intuitive advice for maintaining states of creativity.

  • Total Value: $6,220



    You can also pay in instalments:

    3 X $444 = $1,332

    OUR PROMISE (Outcome)

  • Amplify confidence, creativity and power.

  • Consistent breakthroughs and moving beyond personal limits.

  • Receive certificate of completion as a Higher Advisor.

  • You will have advanced your life to new standards of personal living, having demonstrated great maturity with transformation and ability to lead yourself to your goals.

    You will have a new sense of emotional intelligence as you will have gained mastery over your thoughts and emotions. You will reach new states of fulfillment in your relationships and career.

    You will feel a great sense of passion for your life.


    1. Creative ENLIGHTENMENT.

    2. Emotional relief


    3. Clarity & sense of DIRECTION. 

    4. Immense love & SUPPORT.

  • Why Higher Advisory

  • Over the past 10 years the Higher Advisory, channeled by Keidi Johana, has been discovering & using the most effective ways to support people (YOU!).

    We know that it hasn't been as simple as just having a good mindset.

    We know that it hasn't been as simple as just bearing down and getting it done.

    (…definitely not easy to just try to meditate…) We know it’s not always simple.

    The research behind the science of transformation has grown exponentially in the last 15 years.

    We have new tools that help you change the hard-wiring of your brain and up level your DNA expression so that you can create better health, have more motivation, deeper meaning and balanced joy in your life. True fulfillment.



    Keidi comes with many years of experience in the field of Personal Transformation to support you in Activating Your Unique Potential.

    The titles and specializations held by Keidi are:

    • NLP Master and Trainer

    • Licensed Hypnotherapist

    • Nutritionist

    • Spiritual Advisor, Reiki Master

    • Divine Healing Hand Practitioner

    • Yoga & Breathwork Teacher


    " Keidi opened up avenues of insight that I was not seeing for myself. She helped me gain clarity about the way my body was holding specific energy and provided me with the right tools to move the energy. Keidi helped me weave my future into my awareness so I could start taking practical steps towards my mission."

    – Selena Moon

    "A boost of energy and motivation, slow and steady progress in all aspects of life worked upon, methods and tricks to use repeatedly that keep on helping!

    – Sacha Rondeau

    "I felt so loved and supported to have space to share and vent what was trapped inside. Keidi always instinctively knows what type of session will benefit and where to take the discussion for it to be fruitful for me. I left the last coaching session having felt lighter with tools to keep me on track and step into a place of peace and empowerment"

    "I felt so loved and supported to have space to share and vent what was trapped inside. Keidi always instinctively knows what type of session will benefit and where to take the discussion for it to be fruitful for me. I left the last coaching session having felt lighter with tools to keep me on track and step into a place of peace and empowerment"

    – Elizabeth Crisante

    "Coaching has helped me get more clear on taking small steps, one at a time, to move in the direction of my goals. "

    – Shannon

    "Keidi left me feeling energized with clear next steps that I could take to achieve my future potential."

    – Tatiana

    "After 2 calls I feel that I'm more connected with my family. I did not have fear from them and I did understand them more now. I can see them more clearly now."

    – Juri

    Want to be a Higher Advisor in the next team?

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